No son todas las tendencias, son solo mis favoritas; empezamos !
These aren't all the trends, they're only my favourites; here we go !
Es un clasico del maquillaje, que cada temporada reaparece. Lo que opino que es muy guay para verano es hacer el delineado en algun color más vibrante; o sino hacerlo en negro y pintar por encima con el color para que se vea muy sutil. Para conseguirlo podeís usar el Super Liner Perfect Slim de L'Oreal y para el de color el Liquid Eyeliner de Stila o si queréis uno más económico el Super Colour Eyeliner de Kiko.
It's a classic in makeup, which every season returns. What I found very cool for the summertime is to make the line in a vibrant colour, or if you preffer doing it black and painting over it with a strong color to get a very subtle effect. To achieve that you could use the Super Liner Perfect Slim by L'Oreal and for the colour line the Liquid Eyeliner by Stila or, if you want somethinf cheaper, Super Colour Eyeliner by Kiko is for you.
Otro clasico que vuelve esta temporada; hay infinidad the rojos diferentes que ter quedarían bien dependiendo de tu tono de piel. Os dejo algunos de mis favoritos debajo.
Another classic that returns this season; there are lots of different reds taht will suit you depending on your skin tone etc. I leave you some of my favourites bellow.
Si eres como yo, y tu cara nunca se broncea, un bronceador será tu mejor amigo este verano. Para el verano preferio bronceadores con brillo porque dan un bonito acabado a la piel, dan un brillo muy saludable que me encanta. Mis favoritos son los bronceadores de The Body Shop Honey Bronzer (es mate pero me encanta por igual), el Borjouis Délice de Poudre Broncing Powder (mi favorito absoluto) y el Sun Bunny Natural Broncer by Too Faced.
If you're like me, and your face never tans, a bronzer will be your best friend this summer. For summer I preffer shimmery bronzers beacuse they give a very pretty finish toy your skin, they look like a sun glow ( let's call it like that) and I love it. My favourites bronzers are The Body Shop Honey Bronzer (it's matt but I love it equally), the Borjouis Délice de Poudre Broncing Powder (my absolute favourite) and the Sun Bunny Natural Bronzer by Too Faced.
Another trend that I'm in love with, I really like pink blushes becuase I think they suit every skin tone and they make your skin look healthy and fresh. If you use one with a little bit of shimmery on it, you'll get an even better look. My recomendations are Borjouis Little Round Pot Blush (shades 33, 34 and 95) and the Silky Touch Blush by essence (shades 10 and 70).
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