
Things I've Learnt This Year

I thought it was about time that I did a little reflection about this year…

I thought it was about time that I did a little reflection about this year…

Best way I could describe my 2016 is saying it was like a roller coaster. This year was full of ups and downs; moments when I felt on top of the world and others when I just wanted to stay in my bed. However, all these moments have taught me thing during the year and today I'll be sharing them with you.


I'm such a perfectionist; some people would say I'm too perfectionist, but I'm okay with that. If I think like that is because I've learnt over the years that thing's that are well done will always get the success they deserve. I work so hard on the things I do, whether it is for school or for the blog, and I like doing it like that. Never give up doing something just because you don't see immediate results, keep working hard and your work will be awarded.


This year has really shown me which friends were real friends and which weren't. With that I don't mean that you have to see someone every single week in order to consider him or her a true friend, I mean knowing that that person will be there for you when you need it, knowing that when you meet him or her (even though it has been 6 months since you last saw him/her) nothing will have changed between you. For me, that's true friendship.


I think we live to worried about other things in life that we forget to show love to the importants one in our life. A good cuddle or a nice surprise can totally change someone's day. Some days, when I'm feeling a bit more down, I'll just want to be on my own when, actually, spending time with your loved ones is one of the best therapies in the world.



I'm someone that gets so worried about pleasing everyone around me. This makes me forget my own happiness sometimes; you don't know the amount of times I've cried because someone was making me feel bad, when in reality I shouldn't let these things affect me. Remember that your own happiness is the most important one, so don't let anyone making you feel bad or sad.


This is a hard one for me, as I love to be right. Ever since I was little I have always love receiving a "Congrats" from my teacher if I did something right and, due to that, I always prefer being right.
However, sometime I'm not right. In the middle of an argument it's hard to see if you were wrong or if you said something the wrong way. For that reason, sometimes it's better to say sorry before it is too late. I know sometimes is really hard to say sorry but I'm finally learning to say it more.

Obviously I've learnt many other things this year, but these have been the main ones. What things have you learnt this year?? Let me know in the comments...

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