May Inspiration List + Reflection

Welcome back to the blog! This post is going to be a little life update and a collection of inspiring images that I adore (I might start posting them monthly or every two months as I love sharing inspiring images on the blog).

I haven't posted anything on here in almost three weeks and I feel like I owe you an explanation. After I finished my exams (at the end of March), I had a complete mental breakdown. I was not feeling great, I had a lot of anxiety, etc. It happens to me quite often after a period of stress but this time was more intense than before. With that period of high anxiety, came a period of almost negative inspiration levels which meant I could not think of any great ideas for the blog. Instead of posting whatever post came to my mind, I decided to take a little break in order to get my inspiration back …

Sometimes taking a break is really necessary. I know it is quite hard to do so when you are working or studying, but just an evening for your own can make a world of a difference in how you are feeling. Our mind gets exhausted sometimes and it is really important to take care of it and give it the resting time it needs.

Now onto other topics; I am really excited that the weather is finally getting better. It did not feel like Spring at all until a few days ago. I have to admit I love the extra hours of sun; they make me feel much more energized and productive; they have also helped me start running again and I am feeling great with myself for giving running another opportunity. The warmer weather also means more dinner dates with friends which is something I adore doing!

I have also fallen in love with some fashion trends this past month. I have become completely obsessed with pearl hair clips (as you would know if you read my latest post that you can check out here) as well as the colour yellow (the more pastel shades of it). After wearing a yellow uniform polo for so long I never thought I would like yellow but I have been enjoying it a lot and I want to incorporate some pieces in this colour to my wardrobe.

Expect the regular posting schedule from now on and make sure you follow me on Instagram as I'll be trying to post more frequently in there as well. This is all for me today… see you in my next post!


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