Believe / Monday Chats III

I believe that things in life happen for a reason. Even if we don't see it at first, every single thing you experience / do / achieve in life will decided the way you are in the future. Every single moment / decision / dream shapes the person you are becoming and will stay in your DNA forever; you are always growing to be your best self and every little thing in your life helps you in this long journey.

I believe that some people will stay with you forever and that others will go out of your life as soon as they see you growing and becoming your best self. Don't worry about these people, they are not worth it. The people who will stay with you no matter what are the people that are worth fighting for and that will remain in your life for as long as you want. As Valeria Lipovetsky (one of my most admired people at the moment) says in one of her videos, "The woman you are becoming will cost you people, will cost you relationships and will cost you places. Always choose her over everything". I couldn't relate more to this quote I have changed a lot over the past few years and I have realised some of my oldest friends are not supporting the woman I'm becoming anymore; even though it is really hard to accept I have come to a point where I know it's time to let them go and stick to friendships and relations that will help in my self growth journey (and also help these people in their own self growth journey).

And last, but most importantly, I believe in myself. Society makes us really dependent on other's people opinion of ourselves and that's really consuming. Saying that I believe in myself is such a big statement, but it's nothing but the truth. I believe in my capacities to fight for my dreams and accomplish them, I believe in the person I am and in my personality, I believe in my strengths and debilities; and that makes me grow each and every day. For personal experience I know other peoples opinions and thoughts ca be really harmful, that's why I'd recommend you only listen to those who love you or that make some sort of constructive criticism. Never listen to someone who is trying to drown you.

That's all for today's post; I just wanted to put all of this out there. This has been one of the hardest posts to write as having this mentality is something that has taken me a long time to achieve (due to my really bad anxiety over the past few months) but that I know will make me happier in the future.

Please leave you thoughts on the comments so that everyone can feel more inspired. Thanks!! 


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