
Highlights of 2017; So Far

We are already in July which makes me think that 2017 is passing by too fast. I think it's nice to stop and think of all the things tha...

We are already in July which makes me think that 2017 is passing by too fast. I think it's nice to stop and think of all the things that have happened to us in this first six months of the year; I love doing that every so often and I thought today I'd share it with you. Please, please, let me know in the comments what's been the best thing to happen to you in 2017 so far so we can all share a bit of happiness in the comments.

You know I ramble a lot whenever I share my thoughts / opinions about something on the blog. However, I wanted to make this post a bit different so I decided to make little sentences that resume some of the highlights of my year so far and add an image that I have found on any social network and that has inspired me in order to make this post a bit more interesting and fun to read.

"The woman you are becoming will cost you people, will cost you relationships and will cost you places. Always choose her over everything" - Valeria Lipovetsy

I've mentioned Valeria and her quote before on my blog but it is truly one of the sentences that can resume better one of the things I have learnt this year. 2017 is being a year of self growth and self knowledge and that has make some people go out of my life. It hasn't been easy but it has also shown me which people in my life are worth it.

"Hard work will always pay off. Sooner or later you'll get what you want." -Me

I'm starting university next September and, even though I don't know it for sure until July 11, I'm going to be doing the degree I wanted to do. I have worked really hard over the last two years and it has ended up paying off, not only I'll be studying what I like but I also graduated with honors (as well as posting regularly on the blog).

"Never stop fighting for your dreams. If you are passionate about something, fight for it". -Me

I've noticed a big grow on the number of visits of my blog over the past few months. It's nice seeing that people enjoy the content you create and valuate the effort you put into it. I'm really passionate about my blog and the beauty / fashion world in general and as long as there's something on my hand that will make me work in that world, be sure I'll do it.

And that's it. That's all I wanted to share with you today. I know it wasn't a super long post but I hope you enjoy it anyway. Don't forget to comment your 2017 highlights bellow and I'll have a look at them. 


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