Spring Goals

I haven't had the best start to 2018. Life has just been a bit too overwhelming and I have been feeling quite bad most of the time; having too much anxiety gives me migraines and they are the worst. For that reason I have decided to re-start. From the first day fo Spring (or even before) I am planning on taking things with more calm and make things that make me feel great more often. I have set myself some goals (nothing like begginig of the year goals) to keep me motivated and feeling great.

1.Take a lot of pictures. I am a huge fan of photography and I love takin pictures in order to keep the memories (like on the Ed Sheeran song) and I haven't been taken many pictures. From now on I am going to taking pictures of any moment that makes me feel good or that I want to remember. I also think I'll be sharing more pictures of what I do here on my blog; kind of like a Photo Diary (every two months or so).

2.Book a holiday. I feel like the only thing that could get me through my last trimester (and a month) of University is having something planned for the summer. I really want to try and make a short trip with my best friends this year and I am going to be pursuing them as much as I can. There's also a festival we really want to go to and so that maight be our destination.

3.Read more. This goal was already on my yearly goals but I have only read one book since the beggining of the year (that isn't university related. I really want to try and read at least four books this Spring (and I have a huge wishlist to choose from). Also, if you have any book recommendation please let me know in the comments.

4.Listen to music daily. I love music and it has always been a huge part of my life. Music makes me feel great and I have noticed I haven't really been listening to music that much these days. Listening to at least 5 songs a day (mainly that help me boost my mood) is one of my obejctives for this spring.

5.Last but not least is to enjoy a bit more with what I do. Wether it is going for a coffe with my best ladies or just going for a walk on my own I want to enjoy more of the things I do. Whenever I am doing something for myself and my own happiness I need to try and keep any bad thoughts or anxious feeling out to try and enjoy more the little things.

This is it for today's post. What are your Spring Goals? Let me know in the comments…


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