Tips for Dressing in the Weird Spring Weather

Spring is, for sure, the most unpredictable season when it comes to weather. It can be extremely hot at midday and then freezing as soon as the sun goes down; it can be extremely sunny in the morning and pouring rain in the afternoon (actually it is pouring rain as I'm writing this). This can make dressing quite a challenge. However, I have collected some tips that will make getting dressed in the morning a bit easier.

Layers Are Essential
Aside from the already difficult Spring Weather, there is another factor that makes layering a key factor when it comes to getting dressed air conditioners and heating. Temperature is very different in different places; it is extremely hot at my university but for instance it is extremely cold at some stores and restaurant. For that reason, being able to put on or take off extra layers of clothing is essential. Wear a short-sleeved T-Shirt and a cardigan; or a shirt and a jumper over it so that you can adjust the layers to the temperature.

Flat Shoes go with everything
I find myself wearing flats much more during Spring and Summer. I try not wear my boots as much and I tend to wear flat shoes on my day to day basis (mainly because they are more comfortable for university). I personally love loafers and ballet flats (and now also sling-backs flats as well) the most. Sneakers are also a great shoe option; my favourites at the moment are the Adidas Gazelle (I have them in the nude shade) and my white High-Top Converse.

Second hand clothing
This isn’t a spring only tip but a tip that works all year round. Now that sustainability is a big topic in the fashion world, second hand stores and online platforms are gaining importance. I personally have an account in Vinted (you can check ithere and buy some of my clothes) where I sell some of the clothes I don't wear. I also donate some of them to charity shops. All in all, I thing second hand clothing will become a really important topic in fashion and I personally love it as you can find some really good and unique pieces.

Change black for white
I wear black pants and jeans a lot during Winter. This year I am forcing myself to wear them less during Spring and Summer and, for that reason, I have been wearing my white jeans a lot. They go with every outfit (as black jeans do) but they make your look much brighter, softer and Spring appropriate.

Jewellery to shine bright
Now that more skin is on show, you can really start wearing all of your favourite jewellery pieces. I love rose gold jewellery the most and I wear my favourite pieces almost every day. I also find myself wearing necklaces much more with my shirts and blouses than with jumpers. Find your favourite pieces and wear them to make your outfits a bit more special.

These are all of my tips. What are yours? Let me know in the comments…


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2 comentarios

  1. Great tips! I love that you added in the shop second hand tip - I have been on a journey towards living as low waste as possible, and I LOVE to find cute pieces at the thrift store. Thanks for sharing!
    -Jenna ♥
    Stay in touch? The Chic Cupcake

    1. It is such a great way of finding unique pieces. Thanks for reading! xo
