Monday Chats II (On a Tuesday)

A few weeks ago I posted something called Monday Chats, where I just talked about random things that have been on my mind for a couple of d...

A few weeks ago I posted something called Monday Chats, where I just talked about random things that have been on my mind for a couple of days. Today I really wanted to talk about mental health and criticism (as in my opinion they go a bit together) and I have decided to post another Monday Chats, this time on a Tuesday.

I've been noticing recently that mental health has become more and more difficult to talk about; with that I mean that people are more prone to either judge you or not believe what you said, simply because they can't see physical effects of that illness. I've heard many people say that someone with anorexia is just a diva and that is trying to draw attention; I have also heard that someone with anxiety is just nervous and that have to relax; etc. I have more examples but I don't think it is necessary to explain them, you get what I mean.
I personally think (and I think I am right) that mental illness are really hard, even harder than some physical illness. The biggest problem I found is that you don't know how to cure mental illness; anxiety is different in everyone, depression is different in everyone and even anorexia is different in everyone. This fact makes knowing how to cure or control mental illness really, really hard. I don't wan to go into more detail as I think mental health is a really serious topic and I am not prepared to talk about it in full detail.

“You are worth finding, worth knowing, worth loving.” 

I've also noticed that there is a lot of criticism, both online and in real life. People feel free to critic other's life choices, every day decisions and even, and that's how I see it, people's health issues. I am not saying (obviously) that you can't do any time of criticism; I think Constructive criticism is really useful and really necessary. However, there are many ways of making criticism and that's what many people don't understand. Don't critic others by making other people think they are completely wrong, make them see the small things when they are not right and help them change that.
Related to mental health, criticism has made people hide their illness which makes recovering even more difficult.

I also wanted to give a shutout to a few bloggers, which have talked about this two things openly recently (Zoella and HelloOctober); things like that make a big change. 


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